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Sheet Metal Fabrication and Installation Business Owner

As the owner of a sheet metal fabrication and installation business, you will provide specialized services in creating, installing, and maintaining products made from thin sheet metal.

6 July 2024

A business owner operates a grinder to cut metal sheets in a fabrication workshop, showcasing skilled craftsmanship.

Your business will cater to various needs, from HVAC ducts to outdoor signs, rain gutters, and more.

Core Responsibilities

1. Project Planning

2. Material Selection

3. Fabrication

4. Manual Fabrication

5. Assembly and Quality Control

6. Fastening

7. Installation

8. Safety Protocols

Specialized Services

1. HVAC Ducts

2. Custom Metal Products

3. Repair and Maintenance

Additional Skills and Responsibilities

1. Client Consultation

2. Team Management

3. Technology Integration

4. Business Development

5. Financial Management