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Social and Political Research Services Business Owner

As the owner of a social and political research services business, you will provide expert insights into societal behaviors, group dynamics, and political systems.

6 July 2024

A business owner in social and political research places her vote into a ballot box, representing active participation in democracy.

Your business will offer comprehensive research, analysis, and consulting services to various clients, including government agencies, academic institutions, and private organizations.

Core Responsibilities

1. Data Interpretation and Communication

2. Research Planning and Execution

3. Data Collection Methods

4. Education and Supervision

5. Consultation Services

6. Problem-Solving

7. Collaboration

Specialized Services

1. Sociologists

2. Political Scientists

Additional Skills and Responsibilities

1. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

2. Government and Policy Analysis

3. Public Engagement

4. Consulting and Advising

5. Marketing and Outreach

6. Financial Management