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Automotive Repair and Maintenance Shop Owner

As an Automotive Repair and Maintenance Shop Owner, you will manage a business that focuses on diagnosing, repairing, and maintaining vehicles to ensure they operate safely and efficiently.

6 July 2024

A suited man engages in a phone conversation while standing in-front of a car holding a tablet, symbolizing effective management in automotive services.

This business caters to individual car owners, fleets, and commercial clients, offering a wide range of services from routine maintenance to complex repairs.


Core Responsibilities

1. Diagnostic Services

2. Repair and Maintenance Services

3. Customer Service

Types of Services

1. General Maintenance

2. Advanced Diagnostics and Repairs

3. Specialized Services

Key Skills and Competencies

1. Technical Expertise

2. Customer Service Skills

3. Business Management

4. Attention to Detail

Work Environment

1. Shop Setting

2. Customer Interaction

3. Training and Development

Business Operations

1. Client Acquisition and Retention

2. Quality Assurance

3. Professional Development