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Fishing, and Forestry

A man in a hat and overalls holds a chicken, embodying the essence of farming and rural life.

Agricultural Business Owner

An Agricultural Business Owner manages extensive farming, ranching, and agricultural operations that produce food, fiber, and other products. This role involves overseeing the entire production process, from planning and cultivation to harvesting and marketing.

Agricultural and Food Science Business Owner

As an Agricultural and Food Science Business Owner, you will operate a business dedicated to ensuring food safety and agricultural productivity through research, development, and innovation.

Agricultural Inspection Business Owner

As an Agricultural Inspection Business Owner, you will manage a business dedicated to ensuring farms and agricultural operations comply with regulations and maintain high standards of safety and quality.

Agricultural Product Grading and Sorting Services

Starting a business that provides agricultural product grading and sorting services involves ensuring that the highest quality produce reaches consumers, while defective or spoiled items are efficiently removed.

Conservation Scientist and Forester Business Owner

Starting a business in conservation science and forestry involves managing, protecting, and optimizing the use of forests and rangelands.

Fishing Business

Starting a fishing business involves operating fishing vessels to catch fish and seafood from oceans, seas, lakes, or rivers for sale to markets, restaurants, and other buyers.

Forest and Conservation Service Business

Starting a business focused on forest and conservation services can be rewarding and impactful. This business will work to maintain and protect forested areas, ensuring they remain healthy and sustainable for future generations.

Logging Services

Logging Services provide the essential function of harvesting timber from forests, ensuring the sustainable and legal supply of wood to various industries.